COVID-19: How are Businesses Coping?

Member Price: Free
As Singapore enters the Circuit Breaker and most workplaces move into a state of limbo, most businesses are presented with the sudden challenge to manage work-from-home employees while sustaining business continuity.
SCCCI members are invited to join these webinars presented by Justlogin to help navigate your way through this new working environment.
COVID-19: How are businesses coping? The viral pandemic is causing an unprecedented impact on the businesses across all industries. Take the opportunity to hear from a panel of HR automation experts and HR practitioners from the F&B and the global wealth management industries to share their experience in transiting their organiSations during this pandemic. Join JustLogin's COO Chan Chiou Hao and Recruiterpal's CEO Christine Liu where they host a live panel with their respective guests, Charles Wong from Prive Technologies and Dionis Chua from Lean Bento, to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on particular industries as well as work tasks and the implications of it that has diminished the need for certain responsibilities within a business and how to manage the related employees. |
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How to Manage Payroll and Cashflow During COVID-19? For many businesses, payroll is going to be a big challenge. How can you continue running your payroll process smoothly out of the office? More importantly, payroll is often one of the largest business expense. Learn how you can manage your cashflow with optimal efficiency to ensure you can continue paying your employees during the business downturn. |
How to Manage Employee Performance during COVID-19? How do you manage teamwork and employee morale, now with stressful social distancing, to ensure that your business is running on optimal efficiency? |
These webinars are organised and presented by Justlogin.
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